All you need to know about Levanto
How to get to Levanto
How to arrive by train
The local La Spezia-Genova trains are regular and by far the most convenient and economical way to get to and around the Cinque Terre.The trains between La Spezia and Genova depart once or twice every hour.
For a train timetable visit the official site of Italian Railways (F.S. Spa) click here
The ticket offices in the stations are often closed, buy tickets at the ‘tabacchi’ shops or bars.
Tickets are good for 5, 10 and 20 kilometers, you have to validate them at the yellow machines in the station before you start your journey. They are valid for 6 hours. 10 km tickets are all you need for the 5 villages.
Tickets will be checked on the train!
The trains run till about 11:30 pm
And a single ticket exists which allows you to visit all of the Cinque Terre.
The ticket offices in Levanto and the Cinque Terre train stations are only open from 6:10am to 8:00pm. However tickets can also be bought from the tourist agencies “Levantur” and “Viaggi Cinque Terre”.
(See Information for address details).
Note: Be careful, if you sit too far back in the train when it stops in the villages your car might still be in the tunnel and you won’t be able to see the town’s sign.
How to arrive by car
If you are travelling on the A12 motorway that runs from Genova to Livorno, exit at Carrodano.
Levanto can also be reached via the main road from La Spezia: the coastal road, number 370 for the Cinque Terre.(36km).
The Cinque Terre can also be visited by taking this road, but it must be emphasized that access for cars into the towns is forbidden and parking can often be a few kilometres from the centre. However winding and tortuous this road may be, it is certainly worth it for the magnificent views and appreciative value of the cultivated terraces clinging to the mountainsides.
How to reach the Cinque Terre by boat
A novel idea for seeing the Cinque Terre is by boat, departing from Levanto and arriving in Portovenere, skirting the coast with a call at Monterosso and Vernazza.
Another handy and impressive means for getting to the towns Monterosso, Vernazza, Manarola and Riomaggiore is with a small boat. (with a limited number of passengers), which offers a fast and efficient service, allowing full appreciation of the natural beauty of these small towns nestling in the coastline.
For timetables and information, visit the Navigazione Golfo dei Poeti web site.